Friday, May 20, 2011


Dating a co-worker has got to be by far the dumbest shit I have ever done in my entire life. I have done some really dumb shit too, like thinking I wasn't pregnant at 15 because "morning sickness" happens in the morning, and I clearly threw up half-past noon, so that can't be morning sickness, oh but wait that I was even pregnant at 15 because I thought virgins couldn't get pregnant. Or like the time I tried to steal a car off of a Jiffy Lube lot and got caught, because if it's parked there common sense should tell you that it might need some work and won't run!! Dumb shit like that, but even they don't measure up to the blatant stupidity in dating a co-worker. More dumb shit, I honestly thought people telling me not to date a co-worker once they found out I was dating a co-worker was just the cliche thing for them to say. I didn't think they could produce evidence to back-up why I shouldn't date a co-worker whenever I asked them. This inability to explain reason made me discredit their warnings. More dumb shit, despite warnings, we became a couple. Immediately I knew I had done some dumb shit. To sum it all up, couple, pregnancy, miscarriage, gossip, rumors, more gossip, more rumors, fights, public displays of hatred, baby lotion all over my car, embarassment, diet coke all over my car, and non-stop harassment. We still work together and it still continues, on his end, not mine of course.
Never date a co-worker is not a cliche it should be in the book of Psalms.