Saturday, March 21, 2009


1. My husband is my first, we became pregnant at 15 and were parents at 16 (see pics).

2. I am a very maternal mother, I love Austin and Mason very much, they truly are a part of my souls, and I know it sounds cliche, but I would do anything for them.

3. I left my husband in the middle of the night with two kids and $70 and no where to go, I ended up in N.C. at my sister's house, got a job the next day, my own car, my own apartment, and had a rather bitter sweet experience. (we have obviously reconciled and I don't feel the need to explain myself or this situation any further~ insert purple ribbon here).

4. I have anxiety and panic disorder, I don't know why I just do, and I have managed to control this without medicinal intervention.

5. In ninth grade I covered a snowball with wite-out and nailed it at the principal's face and it was a direct hit, I received a long talk regarding race and detention, I then nailed my math teacher with a snowball from her classroom window, she slipped and fell on the catwalk and was in a wheelchair the remainder of the year...we've talked since high school, she forgives me.

6. I am Scottish, Irish, Hungarian, and Black which aparently makes me either Black or Hispanic people can't seem to figure me out.

7. When I am speaking to someone with a accent I inadvertently pick it up and relay it back them which can be offensive at times,and, at times, I will purposely speak to strangers in random accents, so as to not waste my talent and for self entertainment.

8. I mourn the death of my dad daily. I was with him when he died, Melissa was home, my mom was at work, and I was filled with such fear and disbelief that I was paralyzed. I just remember feeling like everything was surreal and I was waiting to come out of it. Standing, watching my dad fighting for his life in and out of conciousness and I just stood there dumbfounded, unable to console him. I wish I had told him that I loved him, and that we would be okay and he would be okay, and hugged him so he wouldn't be scared or alone before he finally stayed unconcious.

9. Taking care of my dad inspired my love for medicine and caring for patients, however, I want to be a detective when I grow up!!

10. I have been arrested. Yes Me!

11. I had five car accidents in one month, in this two of my cars were totaled.

12. I was rushed to the hospital from a club.!

13.I love to sing! My son's love for me to tuck them in and sing to them (Austin tries to act like he's too old for it but he loves it!) My favorite song to sing to them is Brian McKnight My Prayer and My Cherie Amour (because my dad used to tuck me in and sing it to me).

14.I have a hard time getting along with my mom because we are soooo alike yet we have so many differences.

15. In the days of the struggle I have gone more than a week without eating, and lived some time without electricity.

16. I worked as a Medical Assistant for 8 years, during this time I have performed: 1 Colonoscopy, 1 Tracheostomy, 1 FNA of a thyroid tumor, 1 Colonoscopy on a colostomy, Put in hundreds of sutures, drained hundreds of absesses, hyfrecated skin carcinoma, administered thousands of injections and blood draws and IV’s, touched and smelled and examined more things than I care to mention, and through all of this the only thing that has ever made me near-faint was a 2 yr old Bartholin Cyst that was infected!!

17. I chased a man with a knife away screaming and running like a man woman, he was trying to break into my house, or was a peeping Tom either way was he was going to get shanked!!!

18. I had my first son at 16 and hid the pregnancy until I was 7 mos. I gained 112lbs with this pregnancy and a little more than that with my second ( no more for me).

19. I counsel young women/women regarding teen pregnancy, teen parenthood, domestic violence, child custody/child support, divorce, marriage, sex, and education, and any other wisdom I can pass on to them.


21. My mom is one of ten, My cousins are like my siblings we are tight, I LOVE THEM SOOOO MUCH!!! We don’t get to see each other often but when we do we are little kids building forts in Uncle Eddies living room all over again!!!

22. I talk way too much!! I love to talk! I love to hear my own voice! It’s therapeutic, I think!?!?

23. I have ADD and can not stand long stories I have a hard time paying attention when I am talking let alone someone else! When I look away my mind has left!

24. I have managed to maintain a 3.2 GPA, with two kids, two jobs, and no studying.

25. I got my eyebrow pierced when I was thirteen.


26.I met Steve McNair in a 7eleven and I coincidentally had one a pink McNair jersey, and I just stood there looking at him, and he touched my shoulder and was like “you okay?” and I was like “yea”. I wanted him to sign my shirt but I watched him buy his stuff and get in his car……so stupid!!

27. Some of the best memories I have are from April and Macky and that era of my life.

28. I’m allergic to shellfish, kiwi, mango, cashews, pistachios, almonds, and macademia nuts.

29. I like porn! (favs: Cherokee, Pinky, Mr. Marcus, Havana Ginger, Mandingo, Roxy Reynolds, I assure you I'm not gay, I just think women are attractive.) Porn is so much more than a visual aid, it serves as reference guide.

30. I used to be in a girl group with my sister and a friend who’s name I will allow to remain anonymous, I think it was called BBW, we had a sax, a vocalist, and a hit stix drum player!! LMAO!!!! We performed in Century Apts. While my parents videotaped us! LMAO!!! I have the Beta tape to prove it! (men ain’t got no money even though they try to buy my love…..and then we got a fourth member named Marissa and we sang Can you stand the rain at the Deertree Clubhouse….the good ol days!

31. I can count the number of people I have been intimate with on one hand with room to spare.

32. I had MRSA, it sucked!!! You'd be surprised how much pain the human body can endure, I allowed myself to get as close to the edge as possible and then I jumped into a river of Vodka and we've been best friends ever since!!!

33. I was a honor student in high school and I dropped out of high school half of a semester from graduating, there was no other way!!

34.I turned down the opportunity to go to college for free, because the stipulation was I had to get through Med School and specialize in Ob/Gyn and though I love medicine, the time restraints placed on docs will not allow me to be a "good" mother or wife.

35. I bite my nails horribly!!! I attribute # 32 to this factor.

37. I lack patience. Please take note of this.....I could go on for days: refer to #22

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