Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have been married since 2005. The following information is just a thought and to see how other people feel about the subject matter.Marriage to me is what it is to most of western civilization, but recently many things have changed in my mind and I've spent the better part of the last several years thinking about marriage and society/culture as a whole and what it means.I've begun to open my eyes a bit, and pay attention to what is happening in the world, in hopes that I might not be yet another blind sheep who follows the same footsteps and mistakes that have been made time and time again. What got me started was the sheer divorce statistics in this country. 50% of marriages end in divorce. Of the half that are left, 50% of those seem to want to divorce, but don't because of any number of reasons (children, religion, etc). The question I was forced to ask myself, is, what are we doing wrong as a society that makes so many people want to get out of marriage?Have we, as a society, outgrown the ~need~ for marriage? Are we outwardly, and publicly trying to cling to a tradition, that, for most intents and purposes, isn't absolutely necessary anymore? Look at our culture, for the most part, people have the ability to live independently of each other these days. Jobs, homes, you name it, we all have the capability.Also, when couples marry, the natural assumption is to live together (are there stats on couples that marry, but do NOT co-reside? I don't know, but I'd be interested). I realize there are many social, and especially economic advantages to living together, but does doing so, especially in today's culture, squash the love and desire out of us? Let me clarify. Name one roommate you've ever had that you didn't get sick of? I cannot. What makes us think, that our spouse would be immune to that affect? Daily routine, and little separation to me, seems to breed complacency. Complacency drowns out all of the sensation of "missing" someone, and voids the tiny bit of uncertainty in ones relationship that really stokes the fire of passion. Is one really willing to douse the fire of passion, in exchange for cheaper living?How about marriage from a legal standpoint? Again, religious or political beliefs aside (i know they are important - not trying to ignore these, only trying to get to the common denominator) - what does legally binding yourself to someone gain you, that you didn't have already? Some might say that it is your solemn promise to stay together. First, based on what we observe, is this kind of promise even practical? Second, why do we need to legally bind ourselves to make this promise? Shouldn't that level of trust be there already, even if not practical? Does something change the day after you get married? Do you love someone more because you have legally bound yourself to them? And, it seems, it's this legal binding that ultimately creates havoc when a decision to leave the marriage (whether jointly or singly decided..). It's a field day for lawyers in the business, and, in my observation (again, welcoming any other point of view, or cases) magnifies an already tough situation.In light of all this, I'm not trying to be a gloom, or, have a bad attitude. I'm a curious scientist by nature, and long to find the solution, no matter how simple, crazy, unbelievable, or complex.Soooooo, fellow readers, could this be a reasonable start, at explaining why so many marriages today end in divorce? Are we trying to maintain a tradition, that culturally, philisophically, and humanly isn't possible anymore? Am I a complete nut? Have I only realized what many already have? I have a hard time believing the answer is something as simple as chosing the wrong mate when the statistics are so high, so it has to be something more defined than that scenario. What is so different with today's marriages when compared to generations before, other than more women were "homemakers" and stayed at home and the standards for society have changed, divorce is now celebrated, before divorce signified failure and shame?I'll open the floor to all comments, suggestions, flames, and experiences...

1 comment:

  1. 1.Marriage needs to be nurtured.But in today's stressful lifestyles people dont find time for that.
    2.Also,problems existed and will exist always.Just as u said,we cannot name a roommate we were 100% compatible with.Problem with spouse will always be there.In previous generations women had no means of escape- now we all have much more freedom.
    3.Previous generations lived as big families and lots of adjustments were the order of the day.But nowadays kids from nuclear families dont know to adjust. This is my view for increase in divorce stats.
