Monday, March 16, 2009

Length vs. Girth

So many people ask this question and I believe I have the answer keeping it as plain and simple as possible.

Length vs. Girth

The length of the vaginal canal varies from woman to woman, on average the length of the actual vaginal canal from entrance to cervix is seven inches. Of these seven inches, the first four inches, from opening up, are populated by an abundance of nerves. These nerves provide the necessary touch sense required for sexual stimulation.

Many women believe that increased penile length will aid in the production of an orgasm. However, the vaginal anatomy does not support this. This would lead me to believe that girth would be more imperative in achieving the sexual stimulation needed to bring forth orgasmic response in a female. Vaginas vary much like penises do, and vaginas can also change depending on various instances. A woman who has beared children with vaginal deliveries will likely be wider than prior to bearing children but the vaginal canal will not grow longer.
With that said the widening of the vaginal canal would then require a wider penis in order for touch sensation to be achieved by the nerves within the first four inches of the vagina.

So why do women state that they achieved orgasms or experienced "better" sex with a longer penis? My theory is the idea of the larger penis provided the necessary mental stimulation that is also imperative in the achievement of a female orgasm. The idea of "more" in the human mind seems to be stimulating in a positive nature and holds true to various topics not just sex, i.e. money, land, etc. So the fantasy-like mental stimulation brought forth increased arousal which enhanced the sexual incident for the "recipient" not so much the increased length of the penis. It is basically a pleasureful visual stimulant and not so much a physical, much like breasts and butts for men.

A few suggestions for my orgasm-lacking ladies:

1. Perform Kegel exercises to tighten and strengthen the vaginal canal.

2. Perform Kegel exercises in a consistent rythmic motion during sex.

3. Use your mind. Allow your mind to be a mental stimulant. Women have been known to bring forth orgasms using only their mind and absolutely no physical stimulation.

4. Once you have achieved a orgasm without clitoral stimulation remember what actions inspired the orgasm and vocalize it to your partner so that it can be achieved again.

5. Sexuality is imperative. If you feel sexy you will be more sexual.

6. Porn is a visual aid as well as a stimulant. Use it.

7. Find your G-spot study it, know how to locate it and teach your partner.....this is often discussed and rarely practiced. Stimulation of the G-spot is what brings on female ejaculation a.k.a. extreme orgasms.

O.K. I am finished brainstorming for now.....knowing that my mother may read this has put a dampen on my inspiration.

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