Saturday, March 21, 2009


I live my life like this: I have no race. I am me. I am so much more than the color of my skin. The color of my skin is just a marker of individuality a reminder of the various ethnicities that make up my dna. What one person does, does not predict the steps that I will take nor the words that I will speak, and I will not accept classification into any category other than that of my own. When anyone tries to classify me or put a title on me I disregard it as a lack of intellect and excuse their behavior much like society disregards a mentally disabled persons random behavior. For this I live in inner peace that can not be touched by any person. People can think and say what they want, they are entitled to their opinions, their opinions or negativity only has power when you yourself believe what they have said, and I don't. Ignorance lives not because of the person who projects it, but by the person who reflects on it, Chelsey 2009.

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